Sunday, March 25, 2007

Week 30-- Home Alone

Daddy left for San Francisco on Saturday. I don't think it was the right decision since we are 30 weeks 2 days into a twin pregnancy, but it is done now. I had a long talk with the babies and told them that I did not want to bring them into the world without their Daddy by my side, so they need to behave for a week. I'm sure they will cooperate, they have been perfect thus far.

I feel bigger and bigger everyday. I can do less and less each day, getting tired very easily. It will all go away as soon as I see these little faces.

Grammy is going to watch out for us this week so we will be fine and Daddy will bring you back lots of treats from San Francisco.

We got for a check up on Wednesday and Grammy will go with us so she can hear your heartbeats!

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