Thursday, September 07, 2006

Lab Report

Of the 10 (we only ever saw 9 on the ultrasounds, so the last one was a surprise) eggs they retrieved Wednesday, all were mature enough to fertilize.
6 did so normally, there is a 7th in question (maybe this one has ADD like it's Daddy) that could possibly catch up today.
The normal rate for "abnormal" response is 30%, so we are right there.

They'll call tomorrow with another update, but she said at the rate the 6 are going, they (how ever many we decide) will be put back Saturday between 10am-noon.

Phew, my biggest fear was that they would call and say none of them fertilized and this would be over. Hopefully the 6-7 will continue to do well.

A weird coincidence, the girl from the lab is named Vicky. That was my grandmother's name. Just of all the names in the world.......

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